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Driving under the influence in Maryland: arrest procedures, legal consequences, and defenses

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is extremely dangerous; you do not need an article online to tell you that. But do you understand the legal ramifications of being pulled over for even the suspicion of DUI? Do you know what to do when the police ask you about drinking? This article explains the legal essentials of the Maryland DUI charges and the legal defenses against them, including…

DUI in Maryland - Experienced Legal Services Attorney -  Michael Cochran Law Offices

  • What counts as a DUI under Maryland law.
  • What happens if you refuse to give blood for a chemical test of your blood alcohol level in Maryland.
  • The penalties for a DUI conviction in Maryland.

How is driving under the influence (DUI) defined in Maryland?

If ever someone takes the wheel while also under the effects of alcohol or another intoxicating drug, they are driving under the influence.

For a DUI, the legal limit of alcohol in the blood is set at 0.08%. Anything above that detected on a blood alcohol test is grounds for a DUI charge – but so is failing a field sobriety test. These are the “simple” tests of verbal, mental, or physical capacity given by officers at the scene or later in the precinct.

Do I have to give a breath or blood sample during a dui arrest in Maryland? What happens if I refuse?

Under the law in Maryland, you are allowed to refuse breath, blood, and urine testing. However, doing so will have consequences.

If you refuse to take such a test, it is likely that the Motor Vehicles Administration will suspend your license for a period of time, usually 90 to 180 days.

What will happen to my driver’s license after a DUI arrest in Maryland?

Fortunately for you, you do not lose your driver's license immediately after an arrest – even if you are charged with DUI. Instead, you will have a Motor Vehicle Administration hearing to determine whether or not your license will be suspended or revoked.

What are the penalties for a DUI conviction in Maryland?

If you are convicted of Driving Under the Influence, the penalties will ultimately depend on the circumstances and situation. They range from probation to some significant jail time, depending upon how many prior convictions you have.

You may also lose your driver's license depending on those factors as well. Fortunately, this is exactly where an experienced DUI defense attorney steps in, working to help you avoid the worst aspects of a conviction, even if you plan to plead guilty.

I plan to plead guilty to a DUI charge in Maryland, do I really need a criminal defense attorney?

No matter what you plan to plead, it is always a good idea to consult with an attorney who can negotiate a more favorable deal for you, which could include lower charges, penalties, and consequences.

What’s more, an attorney will help you understand ways that you can proactively address any issues you may have with alcohol prior to getting a plea offer or a sentence. There are programs that you can get into that will potentially mitigate the negative effects of the DUI charge, ultimately earning you a more favorable outcome. For more information on Facing DUI Charges In Maryland, an initial consultation is your next best step.

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